1. Accidentally touching a stone while in motion
2. A curling tournament or competition
3. A portion of the game where each team throws 8 stones
4. A shot that raises a guard and removes an opponent's stone
5. The foothold used to deliver the stone
6. A shot that hits an opponent's stone and rolls to a new position
7. When the skip manages to score two points
7. To separate two stones with another stone
8. A shot delivered with the rotation inward
9. A heavier stone delivered to reach the house
10. A shot that aims to stop the stone near the center of the house
11. The ideal speed of a stone for a draw shot
12. A shot that removes an opponent's stone from play
13. To graze a guard stone while hitting the target stone
14. A shot delivered with the rotation outward
15. The line a stone must pass to be in play